
Author: greenscapeadmin

Greenscape: Real estate updates (September Roundoff)

Greenscape: Real estate updates (September Roundoff)

Mumbai saw a decline in property registrations in August’21 Mumbai, the biggest hub of real estate investments, saw a decline in the number of property registrations in the month of August 2021. There has been a fall of 32% in registrations when compared to that of July’21, however, almost over...

Sep , 30
Is it a good time to invest in the commercial real estate sector?

Is it a good time to invest in the commercial real estate sector?

Well, the question seems very legit in the scenario since the office work in India is at a halt since the onset of the pandemic last year. With the coronavirus infection threat looming large, the whole world went into a standstill mode with all the office work being shifted to...

Sep , 24

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